#at it again with botanicals
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oshetart · 1 year ago
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OVERGROWTH case design for Drop!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months ago
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Alas, this beautiful dream could not last.
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eruptedinlight · 10 months ago
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oh hey it’s been awhile. i still love him so much i want to crack him open like an aloe leaf and spread his goo all over me 💖
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crooked-hourglass · 1 year ago
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Aurora Ghoulette - Language of Nameless Ghoul Flowers 
Names and meanings of the flowers: Pink carnations - I will never forget you Cherry blossom - Rebirth, renewal, new beginnings White calla lily - Beauty, glory, hope and confidence
Impera Era Flower Series | More Artwork | Socials and Prints
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ohtendril · 1 year ago
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Botanical gardens in Copenhagen
🎞️ Agfa Optima 200
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putschki1969 · 4 months ago
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Botanical Tsushin Vol#16 HQ Scans
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Contents Botanical Tsushin 2024 Summer Vol.16
03 Wakana Special Interview 08 Wakana 5th Anniversary LIVE PHOTO 11 Wakana 5th Anniversary After Event Report 12 Everyday’s Omatsuri 2024 Report 14 Talk Corner Vol.18 16 Travel with Wakana to Catch Sharks Vol. 11 18 Member Contribution Corner Vol.18 20 Information
Harmony Magazine Vol: 5 | 6&7
Botanical Land: Vol 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
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amandaherzman · 2 years ago
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the porcini mushroom for july’s herbologist reward! (dark variant version)
if you’d like to support me and my work, please consider signing up! on the herbologist reward tier you get two postcard sized prints, as well as a double sided folklore and fact card on each plant or fungi of the month! you also get to support a small artist and their journey into plant nerdery and folklore :)
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skrunksthatwunk · 8 months ago
yyh cast pet type headcanons!!
i am thinking about them and i am giving them animals to hang out with. yeag
hiei - falcon
falconeers don't really own their falcons. it takes a long time to build trust with them, and they can fly away at any time. they are wild animals
i think hiei would appreciate that untamed quality, and the speed, sight, and skill of them. i think he'd want a capable animal companion, if any at all
note: kuwabara would be freaked out by the emphasis on competence/functionality as well as the impermanence of it. he views animals as creatures to be protected and cherished, while hiei would rather spend time with something capable, self-sufficient, and useful (stealing this idea from my eikichi fic bc i think im right)
the closer an animal or an animal-owner relationship is to a baby/baby-parent relationship, the further he wants to be from it. it grosses him out a Lot. to him, it's like adopting an adult and then babytalking it
most peer-like relationship with animals
kurama - chia pet lol ferret/rat
i think he'd enjoy small, clever troublemakers
there's some tension inherent with kurama owning any prey animal (i think they sense his foxness), but if he finds one that isn't bothered by it, i think they'd get along just fine
enjoys training them
could keep them in his hair lol
somewhat used to short lifespans relative to his
relates to them and how they feel as animals to some extent, but he's much more likely to take control via a caretaker role than treat them as peers, like hiei
botan - chinchilla/sugar glider
i just think she'd like something soft fluffy and exotic. just seems like it'd suit her :)
pretty strong anti-reptile anti-bug bias. they freak her out
open to birds of a certain flavor. i think she'd like doves and pigeons for their dumb sweetheart-ness
also most likely to get something like a mini pig or a pygmy goat, though i think she would feel quickly overwhelmed by them
kuwabara - cats
obviously. *gestures to canon*
if i had to guess at a reason for it i'd say it's a matter of feeling appreciated. you generally can't get cats to do anything they don't want to do, so that means when they show you love, it's extra special. and i think his perseverence with challenges could help him win over even the most reluctant of cats, as well as his gentleness and unconditional love towards those critters
i think kuwa likes winning animals/people over and feeling chosen and seen
strong preference for very social animals, particularly mammals (so not, like, hermit crabs). i think he'd like dogs too
hates mice, so kurama's rats would be a bit weird for him
not huge on fish or reptiles, but willing/able to admire the coolness of them after freaking out for a bit. not huge on bugs and usually doesn't get over that
yusuke - it's complicated
i hate to say it but i don't think yusuke's really an animal person
HOWEVER. i do see him having a 50-year love-hate relationship with a sassy parrot. idk why i just think he'd argue with a bird
less used to short lifespans relative to him, would probably do better with something that lives longer, i.e. a parrot, while he's adjusting to that reality
bonus points bc he's kind of a bird (puu bird imagery)
though i think he'd appreciate feeling wanted and loved, i don't know that the responsibility of a pet would make him feel grounded and secure (i.e. kuwabara), but more anxious and constricted.
his carefree lifestyle would conflict with high maintenance pets, so he probably avoids them for a long time until he's ready to settle down
i think he likes dogs like he likes kids. they're cool to spend time with, but he's probably not gonna feel ready for them until they get dumped on him. i can see him dogsitting for keiko.
shizuru - cats, but for different reasons
a bit like hiei, i think she appreciates self-sufficiency and independence
not huge on kittens, see above
would really like a very chill very lowkey cat
yukina - hear me out. it's not birds
ok. i know birds are probably everyone's first thought bc of her bird friends at tarukane's, but i have a counter-proposal:
i think yukina loves birds but wouldn't want to trap them. she strikes me more as a feeding-birds-at-the-park type + knows what it's like to be trapped (and resents it)
she would be very willing to take in a wild bird that, due to injury or illness, could not be re-released. i think she'd love that
instead, i propose: hermit crabs and brine shrimp
yes im making her be into sea monkeys
my justifications for this are pretty limited. i mostly just think she'd be really into little guys. and i think she'd have a bit more interest in pets that would be considered weird or boring by others (i.e. cockroaches, beetles, tarantulas), especially if they come from non-icy climates. i can picture her holding everything from an iguana to a maggot with similar enthusiasm. but i think she'd likely start with small aquatic guys
plus, she feels a lot less bad about the trapping thing because they need to be in water to survive. it feels more right to her
anyway i just feel like she'd enjoy aquatic stuff. maybe because it's novel, if the ice world was too cold for them to be accessible
i like to think there's ponds on genkai's property that she could put koi or turtles in
oh dude can you imagine her with a frog terrarium bc i can
likes mammals as well, but fascinated with cold-blooded creatures due to novelty
keiko - hamster/gerbil/dog
i also struggled with her a lot, but i think she'd be a dog person
AND i also think she'd be into those small rodents, i.e. hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs (for smth bigger). maybe she had a few as a kid and never really got bored with them like others did. quite passionate about their value as pets, very upset about how they are treated by broader communities
part of me says she'd want a little dog and part of me says she'd want a huge rowdy dog (a bit like yusuke), so maybe she can have both. as a treat :)
though if i had to place anyone as interested in raising farm animals (as livestock or as pets), it'd be her. idk why but i can see her caring for geese and pigs and stuff. she wouldn't mind the hard and often dirty work of it
genkai - tortoise
i think she'd appreciate a slow-paced, low maintenance kinda guy
long lifespan bonus
it's really easy for me to imagine a big tortoise on her compound just free roaming
or perhaps little turtles in ponds around the property
plus turtles kinda inherently have old lady swag to me
toguro - snake
he's used to things kinda climbing all over him
also appreciates the low maintenance aspect
would probably look at a snake dislocating its jaw to eat something whole and go "would you look at that,, you're pushing your limits to feed yourself,,, for you it's a matter of survival. truly i have much to learn" or some shit
sensui - chickens
uh. i don't have an explanation for this one. i think he and itsuki would raise chickens that's all
i think he would carry them under his arm and he'd like watching them walk around
koenma - dwarf hamsters
just the tiniest little fit-in-your-palm types. makes him feel bigger
i can just imagine one of those wire cages behind him in his office idk vibe checks out
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celticbotanart · 4 months ago
I've been obsessed about this track lately, Chiaki Ishikawa not only has such a unique, gorgeous voice, but this one has the CRAZIEST build up ever jesus fucking christ
DO NOT BE FOOLED BY THAT COZY, FOLKY ALBUM COVER LMAO This song literally starts with a dope beat and the drop is the SICKEST guitar solo ever istg
(BTW if anyone reading this can help me find the lyrics for this song, I'd be in your debt forever istg - I've been searching freaking high and low online and it's nowhere to be found for some reason)
I've known Chiaki's work for years now cause she was with Kajiura Yuki years ago in a project called See-Saw - she's the actual CHAD who sang some of the iconic .Hack// songs
Like this one, still a favorite of mine for like 15 years or so 💛 It also features a SICK guitar solo that I never ever shut up about. I also am wondering if Kajiura got the "Mission: Sick Solo" habit in her songs from Chiaki, or if they just have that in common
For some reason I decided to dig into her solo stuff and MAN I'm loving her full on crazy experimental sound and I'm realizing she really has this artsy aesthetics onstage that I was looking for as a reference for my idol OCs (drizzle/LAND)!
And speaking of which, another of her songs I've known for years as well is "Uninstall", from Bokurano. this song fucks severely as per usual. That intro💛
ALSO here Chiaki really went "I'm gonna be a bride-groom covered in blood onstage because I fucking can" - and I'm not even joking lol
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The top isn't a dress, it's like a white blazer, like a groom's??? Showstopping, Galaxy brain fr. I should really take notes and go crazy like that for my idol OCs outfits as well~
commission info | patreon | Ko-fi | VGen | bluesky
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greencheekconure27 · 10 months ago
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sangthael · 5 hours ago
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february commissions ❤️
vgen | kofi
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lemonhoarddragoness · 5 months ago
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Yu Yu Hakusho: Hitan
I never expected you to love me, much less love me at my darkest, but when I was consumed; you saw the raw core of my being and to my surprise, you loved me for it.
A strange and unknown corruption is infecting the souls of the Renkai, transforming them into oozing sludge-like monsters with a violent temperaments. Those with human souls and bodies are barred entry to the Spirit World in order to stem the spread of the corruption, but not before the cheery ferry girl Botan is affected. Left with little choice and fewer resources, Prince Koenma enlists the fire demon Hiei to track down the missing ferry girl and to keep her safe until a cure can be found. While less then enthusiastic about the idea, Hiei agrees to the task. Hiei finds what he's looking for as he's standing in front of a towering, gaunt figure that radiates a sickening sludge and a bone rattling shriek. By all accounts, a monster, any other person would think. Hiei though, he knows monsters better than most, living amongst them most of his life- even considering himself one of them- and the creature before him is no monster. It's the ferry girl Botan. Connecting telepathically to the creature's thoughts he expects to find a sniveling, blubbering ferry girl's mind. Instead, he finds a hidden resistance steeled and hardened against the corruption in the center of the transformation. It's like nothing Hiei's felt from this woman before, nothing he's noticed, but then again he never took note of much regarding Botan. Resigned to a long wait and secretly plagued by a tinge of curiousity, Hiei opens the connection between their minds more and more frequently as time wears on. At first, Botan lashes out and fights off his presence, thinking it a cruel trick that one of her friends (she thinks them friends, Hiei initially scoffs) has some to her rescue. Eventually though, Botan realizes the truth and welcomes his visits. Minutes, hours, days bleed into one another with only the link tethering them. Hiei should grow weary, tired of it, but instead he finds himself opening it more and more frequently into her mind. There's a strength, a hidden side of Botan that enraptures his sensibilities. He tells himself once this is over, he'll forget it- forget her- but he can't. She should grow weary of holding back the darkness, of pushing back the corruption, but she's far stronger than he ever thought to give her credit for. Hiei finds he's been corrupted in a wholly different way, for which there is no cure. Hiei likes her, and eventually, through much tribulation, he realizes he is even capable of saying he loves Botan. They were never monsters, just lost souls searching for one and other.
Inspired by the annual HiBo week's 2024 prompt list: Monster 🖤💙🖤
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negai-no-astro · 10 months ago
Idk I think it's kinda nice how he remembers both Botan and Kuran in this moment, his two big brothers
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transfagholmes · 6 months ago
just heard a bird and realised i haven't heard a bird in weeks....... i have no idea what that call was please sing for me again
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wizardmarriage · 1 year ago
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mars and mars
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moonchu-art · 2 years ago
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🍊 tangerine train ride 🌼 let's go on a train ride together one last time forever. 🧡 thus started my love of animal crossing, imbued by the memory of you. i don't think about you as much as i used to, and it feels rly bad inside to admit that. but i would give it all up to be playing animal crossing with you again 🌼🌼🌼 prints available here.
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